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Authentic Material


PHOENIXA mythical bird with great longevity and the power to be reborn after being consumed in flames. It symbolises the cycle of death and resurrection. In modern parlance, it is known as the « firebird »..

A 100% natural material

PHOENIX is a unique revolutionary 100% natural material made entirely from recycled natural materials. With no binders or additives, our PHOENIX developments are made from 100% animal, vegetable or mineral raw materials that embody the aesthetic codes of natural materials. A new source of precious materials is born. PHOENIX is the rebirth of matter.

At the heart of this promise: Powder Alchemy.

A fine, dense, homogeneous powder becomes a material under specific conditions of heat and pressure. Your transformed natural material is pressed, heated and cooled in a mould, from which it takes its shape. This unique technology, which we have mastered perfectly, allows us to create a new material that is 100% your own, but with a totally different texture and use.

A precious, unique and durable material

We’re introducing a new, unique material, created entirely to order from your raw materials. This circular revolution guarantees a perfect loop for your noble and natural materials.

What used to be considered wasted material is now your new source of material, thanks to our unique expertise.

Main characteristics of PHOENIX :

  • Durability: In a circular approach, PHOENIX is recycled and recyclable.
  • Modularity: Produced in a custom mould or machined, PHOENIX is compatible with conventional finishing tools for noble materials.
  • Aesthetics: With no binding agents, PHOENIX is a delicate, organic decorative material.
  • Authenticity : Pure, PHOENIX retains the sensoriality of the original material.

PHOENIX material applications:

  • Jewellery and accessories
  • Interior design and decorative objects
  • Works of art and unique pieces

Authentic Material’s commitment to sustainability and innovation is reflected in the development of PHOENIX.

It is an element of design amplification in the conception of one-off pieces or the production of small series, the methods of which leave plenty of room for experimentation and exploration.

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