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Authentic Material



In a circular approach, Authentic Material recycles your unexploited natural materials: by-products, scraps, quality deviations, overstocks… Therefore, you become your own supplier of natural materials.

2. Transformation by Authentic Materialça partai

Grinding, heat pressing and compounding… for the benefit of your materials.

3. Your transformed material

Flexible, rigid, technical or exceptional, we create the material according to your needs and specifications.


In a circular approach, Authentic Material recycles your unexploited natural materials: by-products, scraps, quality deviations, overstocks… Therefore, you become your own supplier of natural materials.

2. Transformation by Authentic Materialça partai

Grinding, heat pressing and compounding… for the benefit of your materials.

3. Your transformed material

Flexible, rigid, technical or exceptional, we create the material according to your needs and specifications.


In a circular approach, Authentic Material recycles your unexploited natural materials: by-products, scraps, quality deviations, overstocks… Therefore, you become your own supplier of natural materials.

2. Transformation by Authentic Materialça partai

Grinding, heat pressing and compounding… for the benefit of your materials.

3. Your transformed material

Flexible, rigid, technical or exceptional, we create the material according to your needs and specifications.

On demand

Looking for sustainability and marketing innovation, Authentic Material implements and manages supply chains with guaranted quality and traceability.

Symbolic or unique, materials are to be imagined: emblematic flower of a brand, famous grapevines, seashells...

Tell the story, Authentic Material creates the material.